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PGW Files Base Rate Request to Boost Safety and Conservation and Stabilize Bills for Customers. Read More  Hide

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PGW has a long-standing commitment to sustainability. We continue to upgrade our infrastructure, install new, emission-reducing equipment, help our customers reduce their energy usage, and seek new opportunities for energy innovation and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

PGW is measuring greenhouse gas emissions throughout its value-chain and is actively developing a plan to reduce its carbon footprint.

As Philadelphia works toward a greener tomorrow, PGW aims to play a key role in our city’s success.

Measuring our Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reductions

  • PGW believes that what gets measured gets managed.
  • PGW first calculated its greenhouse gas inventories for 2011 and 2016 Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
  • PGW’s Methane Reduction Report shows how PGW will reduce methane emissions 80% by 2050 based on a 2011 baseline.
  • Since the Methane Reduction Report was published, PGW has also calculated Scope 1 and 2 inventories for 2019 and 2022 and for the first time calculated its full Scope 3 inventory, emissions that are out of PGW’s direct control.
  • PGW is pleased to share its inaugural comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Report. This plan highlights updates on all of PGW’s and is one more step forward in PGW’s sustainability planning.

    GHG Reductions To-Date

    • From 2011 to 2022, PGW has reduced its Scope 1 emissions by 13.7% (49,925 MT CO2e) and Scope 2 emissions by 38.2% (3,294 MT CO2e).
    • From September 2022 to August 2023, PGW reduced its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 7,581 metric tons (MT) of CO2e, ahead of its target of 7,500 MT CO2e.
    • PGW is committed to reducing its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 10,000 metric tons of CO2e by September 1, 2024.

    Upgrading PGW Infrastructure

    Methane Reduction Report

    Pipeline Improvement Map

    PGW Facilities Operations

    PGW continues to stay on the forefront of its building operations, selecting energy-efficient technologies and innovations whenever possible.

    PGW’s onsite Data Center is integrated into our Combined Heat and Power system – the data center is cooled using CHP’s exhaust heat and half the data center’s power is generated by CHP. The data center saves over 440,000 kWh of energy annually.

    PGW has provided comprehensive weatherization services, grants, and rebates to its customers, to help conserve energy and reduce bills, for decades. PGW was also the first Pennsylvania natural gas utility to propose and introduce a voluntary market-rate energy efficiency program (PGW Energysense). The program continues to provide assistance and incentives to help our customers conserve energy.

    Home Comfort Program

    • PGW Home Comfort program renovates approximately 3,300 customers’ homes and multi-family buildings every year with free, in-home weatherization and energy conservation education services. Home Comfort seeks to make the homes of eligible low-income customers more energy efficient, which improves comfort and reduces the customer’s gas use.
    • The program makes the homes of eligible customers more energy efficient by providing components such as equipment repair, hot water reduction measures, and energy conservation education. In some cases, these efficiency measures also include replacing less energy-efficient heating systems, air sealing, and the insulation of attics, basements, ducts, and the overall building shell.
    • Home Comfort uses independent conservation service providers to implement energy conservation improvements, which are then independently inspected and audited.

    Hydrogen, Geothermal, RNG

    In additional to providing its essential natural gas service, PGW is actively exploring new energy solutions and technologies to maintain energy sector jobs in Philadelphia and continue to provide Philadelphia customers with affordable, reliable heat and hot water.

    Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

    CHP is on-site electricity generation that captures the heat that would otherwise be wasted to provide useful thermal energy such as steam or hot water than can be used for space heating, cooling, domestic hot water and industrial processes. CHP can achieve efficiencies of over 80 percent, compared to 50 percent for conventional technologies (i.e., grid-supplied electricity and an on-site boiler).

    In the U.S., CHP is used in factories, apartment buildings, and commercial/institutional buildings such as offices, hospitals, and universities, as well as in municipal applications such as wastewater treatment facilities and swimming pools.

    CHP’s principal benefits are reduced electricity cost, reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, and increased electricity-supply reliability.

    The Energy Innovation Lab

    The Energy Innovation Lab is a two-year incubator designed to empower energy entrepreneurs and small businesses whose product or service ideas have the potential to reimagine the future of the energy industry, increase energy efficiency and affordability, and meet the evolving energy needs for Philadelphia residents, underserved communities, and businesses.

    Supported by Philadelphia Gas Works and Temple University’s Small Business Development Center, this incubator program will provide small businesses with the necessary services and financial and technical support to explore new and emerging ideas.

    The Energy Innovation Symposium

    PGW held its first Energy Innovation Symposium in February 2023. Conversations among energy experts offered a blueprint for the City’s clean energy present and future. Hosted at Temple University’s Howard Gittis Student Center, the symposium featured three panels comprised of national and local energy experts that explored: The Future of Hydrogen Energy; Low-Carbon Energy Technologies; and Our Clean Energy Future.

    The panelists discussed the environmental benefits of new energy technology, how to address growing costs and regulatory challenges, the consequences of policy driven change, and the potential creation of thousands of new, skilled jobs in the energy sector.

    At PGW, our environmental commitment goes beyond providing our customers with sustainable natural gas. We also create community partnerships and initiatives that bring us closer to an eco-friendly future.

    EPA Methane Challenge

    Since 2020, PGW has been a partner in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Methane Challenge Program. We're voluntarily committing to lower our methane emissions by replacing at least two percent of cast iron and vintage steel mains with newer, modern pipes, along with new service lines, every year starting in 2022. As a partner, PGW joins more than 60 companies to set targets and track and share our progress to reduce emissions and improve air quality. PGW will also work with the EPA and peer companies to learn and share knowledge about the latest technologies, industry trends and new industry initiatives.

    Recycling and Waste Management

    PGW practices responsible waste management through safe disposal of materials and a companywide commitment to recycling, reuse and minimizing waste. This lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Our recycling program has diverted over 2,000 tons of waste from landfills including single-stream recycling, electronics, wood, plastic, yard trimmings, and more since 2008. PGW is a proud Zero Waste Partner with the City of Philadelphia, reporting our continued commitment to diverting waste from landfills.

    Composting Program

    In 2022, PGW began a pilot composting program at our corporate headquarters. Since the program’s start, PGW employees have diverted thousands of pounds of food waste from landfills. Partnering with Bennett Compost, PGW also contributes to the creation of locally sourced compost soil products that benefit Philadelphia’s environment

    We Want to Hear From You

    We value your input and are currently seeking public feedback on our sustainability page. Your insights are instrumental in refining PGW's commitment to environmental responsibility. We appreciate your time and thoughtful consideration in contributing to our ongoing efforts.

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