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Smell Gas? (215) 235-1212

Safety & Reliability

Smell Gas? Call 215-235-1212

Natural gas smells bad on purpose. That “rotten egg” smell is the smell of natural gas. If you think you smell gas, leave the area immediately and then call PGW at 215-235-1212 from a safe location.

Additionally, If You Smell Gas:

  • Do not use electrical devices including cell phones which may cause a spark and ignite the gas.
  • Do not use an open flame, matches or lighters.
  • Do not try to locate the source of the gas leak.
  • Do not try to shut off any natural gas valves or gas appliances.
  • Do not start vehicles.
  • Do not re-enter the building or return to the area until a PGW employee or a qualified utility representative says it is safe to do so.
  • Do not put out the flames if natural gas ignites.

To maintain our commitment to safety, PGW must inspect the natural gas meter and service lines at your property every three years. If you receive a Gas Safety Home Inspection request from PGW, please contact us at 215-235-1000, M-F between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to schedule your appointment.

PGW employees must be able to easily access your meter to perform meter readings, periodic safety checks, routine maintenance, and manage critical tasks in an emergency. 

To help ensure that your meter functions properly, safely, and dependably, please follow these important tips:

If you have an indoor meter:

  • Keep the area surrounding the meter clear of boxes, furniture, shelves, etc.
  • Do not build walls or paneling that obstructs access to the meter.
  • Never hang or lean anything against a meter.
  • Instruct children not to climb on, or play near, a meter.
  • Do not tamper with your meter, or attempt to service or maintain the meter yourself.

If you have an outdoor meter:

  • Keep the meter clear of any landscaping that obstructs access or visibility. Shrubs and plants should be trimmed regularly.
  • Do not build decking or fencing that blocks access to the meter.
  • Instruct children not to climb on, or play near, a meter. Any extra weight can damage the meter and connecting pipes.
  • In the winter, carefully clear ice and snow from the meter as well as any appliance exhaust vents. Be sure to clean and repair leaky seams in your eaves, gutters and downspouts to prevent melting snow and ice from dripping onto the meter.
  • Never use a snow blower or plow around a meter. Shovel or sweep the immediate area carefully by hand.
  • If the snowfall is deep, please clear a safe path to the meter.
  • Do not tamper with your meter, or attempt to service or maintain the meter yourself.

Call PGW at 215-235-1212 immediately if you damage the meter or smell natural gas around the meter.

Be Sure Before You Open The Door

Before letting anyone claiming to be a utility worker into your home or business always ask for identification. If you’re even the slightest bit unsure about a person’s claim to be from PGW call 911.

AllPGW employees have:

  • ID badges
  • Official white PGW vehicles with clearly visible PGW logos and municipal license plates
  • Branded clothing

PGW Imposter Brochure

PGW Imposter Brochure - Spanish

PGW Imposter Brochure - Chinese

At Philadelphia Gas Works we’re committed to safety. That commitment includes planning and training for any situation that may arise.

It also includes regularly testing the loud alarms at our facilities in Port Richmond and Passyunk. Different alarms mean different things, and each has its own testing schedule. Here’s what each one sounds like, what it means, and when it’s tested.

General Alarm – This air siren is for people inside the Plant, and is tested Thursdays at noon.
[Passyunk Alarm] [Port Richmond Alarm]

Plant Evacuation Alarm – This air siren is for people inside the Plant, and is tested Thursdays at noon.
[Passyunk Alarm] [Port Richmond Alarm]

Civil Evacuation Alarm – This air siren is for the surrounding community and is tested at noon the first Friday of every month.
[Passyunk Alarm] [Port Richmond Alarm]

You can also read and download PGW’s updated emergency pamphlets:

Passyunk Plant Emergency Pamphlet

Richmond Plant Emergency Pamphlet

REMEMBER: If you smell gas, or have an unsafe condition, call PGW at 215-235-1212 any time, day or night.

Working on a project that requires digging? 

Call 8-1-1 first, or (800) 242-1776 from a number outside Pennsylvania.

This free service ensures underground utility lines are marked, preventing damage to service lines and keeping you and your property safe. Remember, it’s the law.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous gas produced when heating systems are not working correctly and cause severe sickness and even death. You can't smell, taste or see CO.

To protect yourself and your loved ones:

  • Have your appliances, chimney and flue serviced regularly by a qualified technician.
  • Install a battery-operated CO detector in your home.
  • Replace batteries in your CO detector twice a year.
  • Never use an oven to heat your home.
  • Never use a charcoal grill indoors.

If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, call 911 or emergency medical help immediately.
For more information, visit

Heavy rains can cause flooding any time of the year. If your home or basement floods:

  • Don't step in floodwater. Before you go into a flooded basement, ask PGW or your local fire department to turn off your natural gas and electricity.
  • If you smell natural gas, leave immediately. Don't operate gas or electric appliances. Call  PGW’s 24-hour gas emergency hotline at (215) 235-1212.
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