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PGW Files Base Rate Request to Boost Safety and Conservation and Stabilize Bills for Customers. Read More  Hide

Smell Gas? (215) 235-1212

For Your Business

PGW Services For Your Business


Thank you for choosing safe, reliable affordable natural gas from PGW for your business’ energy needs.

Our website serves as a one-stop-shop for all PGW services and programs. From connecting to an energy specialist to learning about business rebate programs, you can conveniently access it all with the click of a button.


Register For New Online Payment Platform - PGW My Account

PGW is pleased to introduce a new customer online payment system for our business customers! Register a PGW My Account today.  

The convenient and hassle-free platform offers you a simple and easy way to manage your business natural gas account:

  • Make payments;
  • Analyze your natural gas usage;
  • Receive email or text alerts;
  • And more!

Click here to register.


Not sure where to start?

If you’re a current customer, you can find information about paying your PGW bill here. Looking for ways to save? Our Efficiencies & Incentives page offers information about grants and rebate programs available to our business customers.  

Not yet a PGW customer? Click here to complete our Commercial Gas Application or to learn about getting a gas line installed for your small business.

At PGW, we work for Philly — and that means we’re here to serve you.

If you are an existing PGW customer with an active meter and service, and are planning on doing the following: 

  • Increasing the demand for natural gas
  • Increasing the total count of meters to the premise
  • Increase the total count of natural gas appliances to the premise
  • Increase BTU ratings of natural gas appliances at the premise (same or similar appliance that requires more natural gas)

Contact PGWs Residential email

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