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PGW Files Base Rate Request to Boost Safety and Conservation and Stabilize Bills for Customers. Read More  Hide

Smell Gas? (215) 235-1212

Start/Stop Service

Service Turn ON/OFF

New to the area? Moving out? You can now turn your natural gas service on online.

Turn On Gas Service

If you are setting up natural gas service at a location that has no meter, know these steps.

NOTE: To turn service off online, you must have a PGW My Account. Click below to log in or register for PGW My Account.

Turn Off Gas Service

Before You Move …

Be sure to notify PGW at (215) 235-1000 at least seven days before the shutoff  or transfer to avoid unnecessary costs. You are responsible for gas used at the property until PGW can access your meter to shut it off.

A note for landlords: If you are requesting a gas shutoff for a tenant, download and submit a notarized Voluntary Discontinuance Form with the required signatures of all your tenants.


Request a Meter Reading

To request a meter reading from PGW call (215) 235-2244. Be sure to write down your meter number before giving us a call.

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