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PGW Files Base Rate Request to Boost Safety and Conservation and Stabilize Bills for Customers. Read More  Hide

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About Us

PGW: Around Our City, Around the Clock

MISSION: Enhance the quality of life for all by delivering safe, reliable, and affordable energy in an environmentally responsible way.

Since February 10, 1836, when the first employees of the newly formed Gas Works lit forty-six lights along Second Street, PGW has been serving the fine people of Philadelphia 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Today PGW is the largest municipally owned gas utility in the country. We manage and maintain a system of over 6,000 miles of gas mains and service pipes that deliver an annual 78 billion cubic feet of safe, reliable natural gas to our 500,000 customers each year.

We, like the great city we serve, have a rich, dynamic history that is leading us into a promising, productive future. 

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